There are many persons and collectives thinking with Illich. This section compiles links to online materials that are more or less explicitly by and about Ivan Illich. To share a link or to report a broken link, write to
There are many persons and collectives thinking with Illich. This section compiles links to online materials that are more or less explicitly by and about Ivan Illich. To share a link or to report a broken link, write to
Talks by Ivan Illich
-- Ivan Illich’s 1972 conversation with Jean-Marie Domenach about the myth of Pandora, Prometheus, and Epimetheus
-- Ivan Illich talks about the Limits to Medicine
-- Ivan Illich speaks on Water and the history of the senses
-- Ivan Illich in conversation with David Cayley: the best introduction to the man and his ideas
-- Ivan Illich on The Good Samaritan
-- Ivan Illich on The Corruption of Christianity
-- Ivan Illich discusses the distinction between Instrument and System
Books by Ivan Ilich
-- Ivan Illich’s books published by Marion Boyars (Consult both pages)
-- The Powerless Church and Other Selected Writings, 1955-1985, compiled by Valentina Borremans & Sajay Samuel, Penn State University Press 2019
-- Opera Omnia (Complete Works) of Illich in Italian is underway. General editor: Giorgio Agamben, curator: Fabio Milana, publisher: Neri Pozza. First volume titled Celebrare la consapevolezza was published in 2020 and here is an interview with Fabio Milana about the book and the man
-- Rosa Bruno-Jofré & Jon Igelmo Zaldívar, Ivan Illich Fifty Years Later: Situating Deschooling Society in His Intellectual and Personal Journey, University of Toronto Press, 2022
-- David Cayley - Ivan Illich: an Intellectual Journey, Penn State Press, 2021
-- John Baldachino, Educing Ivan Illich: Reform, Contingency and Disestablishment, Peter Lang, 2020.
-- Jean Michel Djian explains his recently published book: Ivan Illich: L’homme qui a Libéré L’avenir, Seuil, 2020 (in French)
⍈ Jean-Michel Djian - Ivan Illich : l'homme qui a libéré l'avenir
-- Samuel Ewell, Faith Seeking Conviviality: Reflections on Ivan Illich, Christian Mission, and the Promise of Life Together, Cascade Books, 2019
-- Jean Robert - L'Età dei Sistemi nel pensiero dell’ultimo Illich, Museodei by Hermatena, 2019
-- Franco La Cecla, Ivan Illich e l’Arte de Vivere, Eleuthera, 2018
-- Silvia Grunig Irribaren, Ivan Illich Pour une Ville Conviviale?, Bord de L’Eau, 2018
-- Humberto Beck - Otra Modernidad es posible: El pensamiento de Iván Illich, Cadabra, 2017
--Todd Hartch The Prophet of Cuernavaca, Oxford University Press 2015
-- Thierry Paquot discusses his French book, Introduction a Ivan Illich, Edition la Decouverte, 2012
-- Illich’s name has swirled in the debates and opinions on the pandemic. A set of these edited by Gustavo Esteva and Aldo Zanchetta was recently published and favorably reviewed.
-- Lastly, the Cayley interview in 1992 published as Conversation with Ivan Illich has been published in a new Italian translation.
Meetings & Conferences
-- Remembering Illich: a conversation between Michael Sacasas and David Cayley
-- Jean Robert on, Ivan Illich: ¿Teólogo o pensador de la herramienta? (Theologian or thinker of Tools?) Mexico, 2019.
-- Babette Babich discusses Ivan Illich’s Vineyard of the Text
-- Three part seminar on Illich’s thought, Penn State University, December 2018
The Question of Political Theology
-- Pro-memoria Ivan Illich Conference 2012, Bologna Italy
-- Pourquoi penser avec Ivan Illich? Thierry Paquot and Barbara Duden discuss the relevance of Illich, in Nantes 2012
-- Vivre et penser avec Ivan Illich. Dix ans après, in Nantes, France 2012
-- John McKnight talks about his encounter with Ivan Illich in Cincinnati, 2009
-- Jean Robert speaks on La convivencialidad en la edad de los sistemas, (Conviviality in the Age of Systems) Cuernavaca 2007
--2012 Symposium: Radical Nemesis: Re-Envisioning Ivan Illich's Theories on Social Institutions at the Western New England University School of Law
-- Oakland Table: a seminar series organized for Jerry Brown (former governor of California) by Ivan Illich and a group of close collaborators (2000-2001).
Illich related materials on the web
-- For over two decades, David Cayley has masterfully engaged Ivan Illich in illuminating conversations. Numerous podcasts and essays on Illich can be found on his website
-- Michael Sacasas maintains a vibrant newsletter titled The Convivial Society aimed at exploring the relation between digital technology and culture. The title indicates the significance of Illich’s thinking to that effort.
-- John Winslow Verity was an ardent and devoted compiler of Illich writings. For a time, his blog—New Scare City—served as perhaps the only ‘place’ to which all those interested in Illich’s ideas could turn. His widow generously maintains this still invaluable site.
-- David Tinapple‘s compilation of book, articles, and audio recordings by Ivan Illich.
-- 10 selected podcasts on Ivan Illich at the Owl Tail
-- David Bollier’s website is a repository for contemporary efforts to rethink the commons and the activity of commoning
-- Gustavo Esteva, is a “deprofessionalized intellectual” is at the center of efforts to think about life after Development. He founded the Universidad de la Tierra
--- Common Good collective attempts to restore the commons. Its founders, who include John McKnight —a close friend of Illich, are in conversation with a group of practitioners of alternative modes of living and thinking.
--- Dougald Hine, itinerant thinker and community builder, counts Illich as one of his shaping influences.
--- Tim Lacy of the Society for US Intellectual History on Ivan Illich
International Journal of Illich Studies
A peer-reviewed academic journal housed at Penn State University